Fall Semester #BCSwift Student App Showcase

VIDEO of the showcase is at: http://bit.ly/BCSwiftVideoFall2017. There was also an article in The Heights student newspaper.
Projects from the Fall 2017 Semester of the Boston College “Intro to Programing Using Swift for iOS Development.” Most students were in their first collegiate programming course. The course took students from zero programming knowledge through programming fundamentals, iOS development, and advanced concepts that included API calls, JSON parsing, and social, shared database and third-party login verification via Google’s Cloud Firestore. Want to give this opportunity to your students, or learn on your own? Information on the video-heavy learning product used in this course is available at: http://gallaugher.com/swift
Interested in hiring apprentice developers for internships or working with them on your startup idea? Information is below. Congratulations to all of our App Developers!

Name: Stephen Casazza
App Name: GroceryLyst
Summary: An app that allows you to create a grocery list that could be viewed and edited by multiple users. Great for people living with roommates who need a way to create a comprehensive grocery list. Uses Google Firebase API, table view, segues, custom navigation items and segmented controls.
- Major: Finance & Information Systems — Grad Year: 2020
- E-mail: casazzas@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/StephenCasazza/GroceryLyst
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephen-casazza-21587a128/
- App Demo: IMG_5277.MOV (Click here to download demo video)

Name: Linda Chen
App Name: Mac Daddy
Summary: Have a lot of leftover meal plan money? Feeling generous, or just looking for a new friend to grab a meal with? Or is your meal plan running low? Are you a promising young student who can offer friendship and companionship in exchange for a cheeseburger? Find a mutually beneficial arrangement on Mac Daddy today! The app pairs users up anonymously for meals, based on whether or not they are short on cash or have money to spare. If both people hit it off, they can choose to reveal their identities and become friends! User interface includes table view, picker view, image picker, custom segues, segmented controls, animations, and JSQ Messenger. Backend uses Firebase Authentication, Database, and Storage.
- Major: Computer Science A&S — Grad Year: 2020
- E-mail: chenavx@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/lchendary/macDaddy
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/linda-chen-282b81130/
- App Demo: https://lindaschen.wixsite.com/portfolio/projects

Name: Jimmy McDermott
App Name: BCPlan
Summary: Plan out when to meet with members of group projects using BCPlan. Utilizes a custom backend also built in Swift.
- Major: MIS, CSOM — Grad Year: 2021
- E-mail: mcdermjk@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/mcdappdev/BCPlan-iOS and https://github.com/mcdappdev/BCPlan
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmymcd/
- Website: https://162llc.com/
- App Demo: BCPlan.mov

Name: Marc Marlotte
App Name: Recipes on Demand
Summary: Access unique, creative recipes you never knew existed. Randomly selects a list of recipes from a possible pool of about 9,000 total recipes using the Edamam API. Instead of giving the user the capability to search for a recipe, this app is focused on taking the choice away from the user because sometimes the best things are the ones that you didn’t even know existed.
- Major: MCAS English Major, C.S. Minor — Grad Year: 2019
- E-mail: marlotte@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/marlottem
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marc-marlotte/
- App Demo:

Name: PJ Shalhoub
App Name: SportsRec
Summary: An app that allows users to keep track of all of the sports stadiums that they have visited. Users can look up a stadium using the GooglePlaces API, add which team plays there, add additional details, give a rating, and even add a picture! This app uses TableView, Custom TableView Cells, CollectionView, Custom CollectionView Cells, Segues, Custom Navigation Items, ImagePicker, Saving with User Defaults, GooglePlaces API, Google Sign-In, and Tap Gestures.
- Major: Mathematics, A&S — Grad Year: 2019
- Email: shalhoup@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/pjshalhoub/Final-Project
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-shalhoub-ab7259140/
- App Demonstration:

Name: Vincent Huang
App Name: SpotiBox
Summary: Jukebox, Boombox, SpotiBox! A music player that implements the Spotify iOS SDK for login authentication and Spotify Web API for all music tracks. Also uses Alamofire, SwiftyJSON, table view, custom table view cells, search bar, and slider. Note: You need a Spotify Premium account in order to play audio from Spotify’s Web API on this app.
- Major: Computer Science, A&S — Grad Year: 2018
- E-mail: huangv@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/vinceajcs/SpotiBox
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vincentstephenhuang/
- Website: http://www.vincentstephenhuang.com/
- App Demo: demo.mov (click on the link to download the video)
Name: Zachary Wilner
App Name: Pantry2Recipe
Summary: An app that allows users to receive recipes based on ingredients that they have in their pantry. Uses the Recipe Puppy API, Alamofire, SwiftyJSON and table view.
- Major: Operations & Data Analytics — Grad Year: 2018
- E-mail: zachary.wilner@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/zwilner/Pantry2Recipe
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zacharywilner/
- Twitter: @zach_wilner

Name: Arya Murthi
App Name: Two Goats
Summary: A take on the famous Monty-Hall Problem to leverage custom statistics per user to generate individual data proving one method or another for increasing odds of winning. Optimizes google sign-in interface, a variety of customized features including: animated backgrounds, images, app icons, segues, and buttons as well as saving of data leveraging cloud Firestore with firebase and UserDefaults.
- Major: Marketing, Finance- Grad Year: 2020
- E-mail: murthi@bc.edu
- GitHub:https://github.com/aryamurthi
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arya-murthi/

Name: Charles Gamer
App Name: Pump Pal
Summary: A social database for users to discover and share workout exercises. Pump Pal utilizes Google Firebase to connect multiple users to a communal archive of physcial exercises anyone can perform at a local gym. The app’s main audience are people who don’t have the time to work out with friends or people who need to improve and grow their workout repertoire.

- Major: Operations Management and Information Systems, CSOM — Grad Year: 2020
- E-mail: gamerc@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/gamerc/pumppal
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-gamer-843825bb/

Name: Duncan Parrott
App Name: Pokemon Battle
Summary: Utilizing the Pokemon API from class. This app allows the user to select a pokemon and test it out against a randomly generated enemy pokemon.
- Major: Finance, Information Systems — Grad Year: 2018
- E-mail: parrottd@bc.edu
- GitHub:https://github.com/PARROTTD

Name: Michelle Krameisen
App Name: PULSE Program
Summary: An informational app for the Boston College PULSE Program with a list of all PULSE partners, their locations on a GoogleMaps page, current professors teaching PULSE, and the current Directors and Council Members.
Concentrations: Information Systems, Marketing, Minor: Philosophy — Grad Year: 2020
Email: krameise@bc.edu
GitHub: https://github.com/krameise
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellekrameisen/
Twitter: @mkrameisen

Name: Kevin Wijendra
App Name: WhatIf
Summary: WhatIf is a stock tracking application that allows you to see the returns on an investment of $1000 if you had invested a week ago. It is good for those that want to research how certain companies are doing as well as those who want to see how each individual investment has changed recently if they have a large portfolio.
Major: Mathematics and Computer Science, MCAS — Grad Year: 2020
Email: wijendra@bc.edu
GitHub: https://github.com/kevinwijendra
Name: Teddy Burns
App Name: GroupThink
Summary: An app for discovering new music on Spotify based on songs you select using Spotify’s analysis of related tracks.
Concentration: Finance
Double Major: Computer Science
Grad Term: Spring 2018
Email: edward.burns@bc.edu
GitHub: https://github.com/ted-burns
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edwardfburns/

Name: Vlad Chilom
App Name: Healthy
Summary: Scan or add foods in order to keep track of your nutritional intake.
- Major: Computer Science, A&S — Grad Year: 2018
- E-mail: chilom@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/vladchilom/Healthy
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vladchilom/
- Website: http://vladchilom.com/

Name: Kelsey Bishop
App Name: Lisbon Travel App
Summary: Shows the best places to see and eat in Lisbon
- Major: Finance and Entrepreneurship, 2018
- E-mail: bishopkh@bc.edu
- GitHub: github.com/kelseybishop
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bishopkelsey/

Name: Oliver Naser
App Name: Oliver’s
Summary: Come spend your (virtual) money at Oliver’s Casino! You can test your luck at the slots and see if you hit the jackpot or if your’e feeling frisky see if the dice a rolling your way today.
- Major: Accounting — 2019
- E-mail: nasero@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/olinaser/final.git
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olivernaser/

Name: Kaining Shen
App Name: SpaceGame
Summary: A game app that enact with the user’ gesture to move the spaceship. It is your mission to protect your home and not let any aliens to pass your front. When you tap the screen, you have the power to shot! It includes two difficulty levels and three lives for you to let go two aliens. Whenever the third alien is passed your front, the game is over. But, you could start over again!
- Major: Mathematics, Minor Economics, A&S — Grad Year: 2019
- E-mail: shenkb@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/shenkb/SpaceGame
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaining-shen/
- App Demo: SpaceGame.mov

Name: Erin Boyle
App Name: NameThreeBC
Summary: A game app in which players in the group are given 5 seconds to name three answers to a BC-themed category. Uses AVAudioPlayer, UI Alert Actions, ViewController Segues, random indexing, Animation chains, @IBDesignable, @IBInspectable, and visual effect view.
- Major: Information Systems — 2020
- E-mail: erin.boyle@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/erinboyle7
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-boyle/

Name: Will Dailey
App Name: MagicPorpoise
Summary: An app where surfers can log their seshes so that they can keep track of the places they went and how the surf conditions were that day. Uses multiple TableViews, ViewController Segues, Class Inheritance, AlamoFire Internet Access, JSON Parsing Using SwiftyJSON, MagicSeaweed Forecast API.
- Major: Information Systems — 2020
- E-mail: dailewc@bc.edu
- GitHub: github.com/willdailey14
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wilbernedailey/

Name: Mia Tortolani
App Name: TextbookHack
Summary: Tired of paying too much at the BC bookstore? Can’t find anyone willing to buy your old books? TextbookHack is an app that enables users to post their old books for sale and view other users’ available books. Users looking for a particular book can also see where else and for how much that book is available for on other online retailers. Uses Table Views, UI Alert Actions, ViewController Segues, Tab Bar Controller and WebViews/Web search. Backend uses Firebase Authentication, Database, and Storage.
- Major: Information Systems — 2018
- E-mail: tortolam@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/tortolam
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miatortolani/

Name: Matt Batsinelas
App Name: Bitcoin Tracker
Summary: The price of Bitcoin keeps going up and up. Do you want to be able to track the price on your phone? Bitcoin Tracker uses the Coin Desk API to track the price of Bitcoin in USD, GBP, and EUR. Never miss the price of Bitcoin again with Bitcoin Tracker!
- Major: Finance and Information Systems — 2019
- E-mail: batsinem@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/mattybats/bitcointracker
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattbatsinelas/
Name: Christopher Chiang

App Name: NBA Scores
Summary: Want to know what games are were 3 weeks ago, today, or during the season? Input any date and you can see all the games that are or will be played out during that day! This app will tell you all games that were played on any day since 1946 (try it!), and you can check the boxscores of points scored in each of the 4 quarters and such. Give it a try!
- Major: Computer Science — 2018
- E-mail: chiangcb@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/chiangcb/NBAScores
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/chrisgchiang

Name: Katie Gold
App Name: Hello, I’m…
Summary: Rather than creating a personal website to show off more details than your resume can hold, create a personal app! Hello, I’m… is a template-style app so you are able to customize each field with your own personal information then save it to UserDefaults. Show the app to potential employers to show off your full portfolio! This app uses TableViews, CollectionViews, ViewController segues, Saving UserDefaults Data, Image Picker, Saving Images to Documents, and TextFields/TextViews toggling Enabled/Editable.
- Major: Marketing, Business Analytics, Information Systems. CSOM Class of 2019
- Email: goldka@bc.edu
- GitHub: https://github.com/Katiegold
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherinelgold/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/katherinelgold